Case Studies

Case Studies

Medical Device manufacturer with limited social impact needed to amp up pre-event buzz.
Carnivores program increased social following 158% and positioned them in the top 2 for the weeks before, during and after, tracking for influence monitored by 3rd party medical analytics

Alternative Lending innovator raising Series B capital needed to educate prospective investors
on their disruptive product while proving they were secure, compliant and outperforming. Carnivores writers created an ongoing series comparing and contrasting alt lending leaders. USA Today and New York Magazine picked up the info and included this small player among the big boys. Also, their Series B was oversubscribed well before their closing deadline. And site stats showed spikes in the educational pieces during the round.

Grey-Haired Marketing Organization with 30,000 members needed to prove their digital relevance
by delivering information to members they would not ordinarily find, pointing out trends along the way in order to prove their digital authority. Carnivores program identified the hot outlier trend of Social/Mobile/Local based marketing efforts due to the rise of smart phones. Then, as the stories began to shift, Carnivores data-driven reports predicted the topic that emerged next: The Internet of Things.

Anti-Hero Case built from real conversations with PR firms and Agencies who rejected Carnivores.
I’m afraid we have to pass.
Quite candidly, our social media worker bees see this as replacing them.”  There have also been agencies who comment, “Well, I’m paying someone $15 an hour to manage my social and billing at $50. Since you would cut their work down by 80% I would actually lose money.” And, we might add, have an inexperienced staffer with no category expertise making digital choices on the front lines, with zero intelligence on what is being curated, shared or how it fared.

Power-User Success Story of growing from social prominence to publishing to speaking.
“I started increasing the number of posts I write… to a minimum of 1/week for a leading Health IT publication, which are being syndicated as well. The syndication has since designated me one of their Advisory Counsel Experts. And the unofficial #HIT100 list is out – and I’m currently at #68.  Thanks for all your help. I think it’s working.”

Content Carnivores LLC
653 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657