Device-Driven Investor Relations

Here’s a no-brainer for companies looking to dramatically increase their influence, IPO price and market-penetration: device-driven IR (Investor Relations). Traditional IR does a great job of pushing out articles, releases, media interviews and the collateral necessary to raise money–and close the deal. But that’s mid-to-late stream activity. Early stage activity involves strategy and planning. Including a device-driven IR program early and as part of the program gives it algorithmic heft with minimal effort. That means a content program designed to…

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How ContentCarnivores delivers 1,000 Thought Leadership Posts + 10 Original Stories

Content Carnivores is a much-needed Technology Product built to harness Custom, Curated and Social Content for the first time in one place. It’s about establishing you and your business as a Thought Leader. It’s about setting up the foundation of what you stand for that will take hold in the search engines and live far beyond any ad campaign. This is about your reputation. Which is why we believe that handing the keys to your content over  to an intern or junior…

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Let’s Eat!

We’re always looking for opportunities to amp up engagement and actually see revenue attached to your content program. We don’t just recommend a program. We ONLY recommend it if it is going to pay for itself in a reasonable length of time. That means working together to determine your situation, goals, and dreams. We want you to be proud of the Content generated by your site. We want it to be consumed. Services may include all you can eat of the…

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Content Carnivores LLC
653 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657