The copy below is from an email sent to a client we are hoping to retain. Their RFP requested social and digital capabilities from big and very expensive IR firms. I was able to review the proposals and provide some quick insights, at our prospect’s request.

Here is the email, with names removed to protect privacy:

Thanks, (CFO Name) for the info (and the heads up on how the RFP includes quite a bit on what a social media effort would be). 

(Big Time IR Firm Name) has outlined a typical social and digital response that covers the bases but will not do much more.

One key stat in their proposal predicts the lackluster performance of their social. They recommend posting 2-3 times a week to the company social pages. The way ‘social math’ works 2-3 posts per week to accounts that have < 1000 followers would not provide any traction, awareness or clicks to websites. In fact, the way social math works, < 5% of those 1000 followers would even have the message appear in their stream. 

Hopefully, the team making this decision will look at the last 3 reports we have provided with measurable traction, including requests from social media for non-confidential decks! 

Our social and digital program is more comprehensive and leverages data and best practices marketing automation to deliver higher-quality interactions and more of them. 

Thanks again for the insights. Looks like we have a winnable battle to retain this business.