Hollywood technique to create elevator pitches in 90 seconds

Businesses call them elevator pitches, but really they are no different than what every movie producer, screenwriter and director in Hollywood needs. They call it a logline and it is a formula for boiling down a 2 hour movie with thousands of scenes, dozens of actors, complex plot lines and a few snappy one-lines (ie, “Yippee ki-ay ki-yo motherf*&^r”) into one understandable statement. Sounds a lot like the modern business plan, right? So here’s how to tell the story of…

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Should you curate competitor’s content–and even comment?

In the old days, before ‘Curate’ was a marketing practice, sharing your competitor’s content was blasphemy. You might read it and discuss it with co-workers. But you would never even imagine sending it to your customers–much less exposing it to thousands of potential customers and prospects through social channels. Why would I help that *&#7$#%? That’s still the attitude in some organization. The closer to Enterprise, the more sensitive they will be to sleeping with the enemy. Here a few…

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Content Holy Grail: Making Sense of Social Stats

Talking about making sense of Big Social stats has become an industry in itself. First there’s the issue of pulling relevant analytics from social channels that don’t integrate. Then there’s the multiple products that do pull things together–but never in exactly the way that seems to matter: ROI and ROE (Return on Engagement). This story was originally on the Buffer blog and is worth the click. Here are some protein-packed chunks: Not only does Facebook have millions of users who…

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Device-Driven Investor Relations

Here’s a no-brainer for companies looking to dramatically increase their influence, IPO price and market-penetration: device-driven IR (Investor Relations). Traditional IR does a great job of pushing out articles, releases, media interviews and the collateral necessary to raise money–and close the deal. But that’s mid-to-late stream activity. Early stage activity involves strategy and planning. Including a device-driven IR program early and as part of the program gives it algorithmic heft with minimal effort. That means a content program designed to…

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Content Carnivores LLC
653 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657